The Only Failure is Failing to Try.
our mission
10th Planet Denver was started with the goal of creating a powerful community of conscious warriors. Our belief is that "hurt people" hurt people. In other words, people who have been victimized and abused tend to victimize and abuse others. We believe that by creating an empowered community of mindful warriors with the technical skills and presence of mind to stand against violence, bullying, and intimidation wherever it lies, we are able to break this cycle of violence, effectively reducing the amount of fear, pain, and suffering in the world. We are founded upon the belief that the simple, sincere act of trying creates a ripple in the universe where the universe conspires to see you succeed. Our capacity to try grows greater with our daily practice. Our level of success is directly related to our ability to continue to strive, against all odds and against any perception of failure. We are founded upon the belief that action is the catalyst for growth and that taking wrong action is better than taking no action. Growth happens only when we are pushed out of our comfort zone. The most valuable thing in the world is an unbreakable spirit. Our spirit is hardened through trying. Trying is the sacred truth. When we try, miracles happen. At 10th Planet Denver we are fiercely committed to creating the most technically advanced grapplers on the planet. Once you master the system you will be free to move through the world without fear. Without fear, we can live as our most authentic selves and when we feel safe and supported, we are free to express ourselves and live in alignment with our highest purpose. We believe that by empowering a community of mindful warriors through technical martial arts mastery we can effectively raise the vibration of the world. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” - Gwendolyn Brooks At 10th Planet Denver we have worked to create an environment where our members lift each other up and strive for the common good. By becoming stronger as individuals, we strengthen the collective. When we become more patient as individuals, we show others the way of patience. When we stand up and fight against cruelty and injustice, we improve the world. If you want to get stronger, become more confident, learn patience, gain discipline and move through the world in a more relaxed and present state, then come join us on the mats at 10th Planet Denver. Remember, the revolution begins with you.